Chindōgu - The Art of Stupid

2 min read

Most people dislike cold rainy weather. Are we loosing touch with nature by sheltering? Umbrella in rain

Gone are the days of staring out the window into the pouring rain, dreaming of simpler times away from the digital duties of modern life.

Introducing: The Rain Simulator!

We want to create an IoT solution that allows everyday people like you to experience rain indoors while still getting the 🏔 True Outdoor Experience.

Using our exciting new rain technology 💦 Real-Splash ™ 💦 , we’ll ensure you stay fresh and hydrated throughout your day in the open office treadmill.

Project Overview

The idea is to simulate rain indoors whenever it’s raining outdoors. This will not only notify users indoors to stay inside, it will also provide them a more authentic and natural experience.

  • Rain sensor module placed outdoors
  • Indoor rain experience (powered by Real-Splash ™)
  • MQTT between rain sensor and indoor rain experience
  • Node-RED ties everything together

The rain sensor will be connected to a Node MCU, and so will the indoor rain experience.
Therefore 2x Node MCU’s is required. The ESP32 modules (Node MCU) will connect to Node-RED via MQTT - in this way allowing for automatically starting the indoor rain simulation whenever it’s raining outside for reals.

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Getting up and running

2 min read

We spent the day configuring Node-RED, MQTT, and deployment to MS Azure. Node MCU IoT

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